Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Clothes I Wear

What others see from your style

Although to the untrained eye you may seem like a plain dresser who avoids trends, you actually wear carefully designed accessories and clothes that emphasize your uniqueness. You value your freedom and have an artistic mind. You are neither aggressive nor timid, but you believe in yourself.
What your nightclothes revealYou are friendly and always in good mood. You are candid and helpful, and can be sexy at times too.

What others see from your ties

You are a happy and contented person. You are protective of your friends, honest and tidy. You are hardworking and like to be the person in charge.

What others see from your belts

If there's not a single belt in your wardrobe, you like freedom and are opposed to all kinds of rules. You are creative and very good at work that requires you to stretch your imagination. Your main downfall, however, is that you can be very moody.

What others see from your shoes

You are a person who loves simplicity and is sincere and open. You are pleasant to be with, easygoing and always in a good mood. You neither want to control nor be under someone else's control. You don't care much about how you look, and know that it's what's inside someone's heart that's important.

What others see from your earrings

You are a sweet and talkative person. You are sociable, energetic and interesting, and get easily bored by the same old things. You are always looking for adventure.

The last analysis

You are probably a romantic and passionate person. You are sensitive and lonely when you aren't in love. You can be somewhat self-centered, but you are honest and sincere to others. You like to make a good impression of yourself and worry about what others think of you.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Donor Darah

Ini dia pengalaman pertama gue ikut donor darah...

Kira2 seminggu yang lalu, di kantor diadakan aksi donor darah (yang kelihatannya cukup sering dan rutin). Berhubung hari itu gue makan.. ehm...AGAK kebanyakan... jadi cukup berminat juga sama kegiatan yang satu ini.. (yah itung2 amal skaligus buang bbrp gram berat badan.. lumayan kan??!).

Waktu itu jumlah darah yang diambil kira2 250cc... well... emang cukup banyak... (kira2 250gr.. alias 1/4kg!!)

Jadi... siapa takut!!

Ruang makan yang dijadikan ajang tempat pengambilan darah itu mendadak menjadi klinik mendadak.. dengan meja2 yang digeser ke pinggir, dan di seberangnya berjejer 4 tempat tidur. Dan terlihat 3 orang perawat sedang sibuk menanamkan jarum2 raksasa di lengan sang donor... (untung gue gak ada trauma sama yang namanya jarum)..

Setelah mengisi formulir, ditest golongan darah dan tekanan darahnya, serta menunggu cukup lama...(dan ditakut2in orang sekitar) akhirnya gue dipanggil juga..
Awalnya memang agak2 serem juga.. apalagi melihat ukuran jarum yang... memang raksasa... tapi ternyata memang tidak semenakutkan itu kok (mengingat gue membuang 1/4kg berat badan..!! ha..ha..!!)

ternyata setelah mendonor, sang donor DISARANKAN (mgkn lbh tepatnya diharuskan) untuk makan dan minum supaya tubuh bisa segera beregenerasi kembali. Dan waktu itu menunya indomie kuah, milo, n susu kacang!
Astaga... minus 1/4kg, tapi nambahnya bisa sekilo.. (hix, moga2 gak separah itu juga)

jadi... percuma jg deh....

sekarang ini, gue tiba2 berpikir...

"Darah yang gue sumbang waktu itu, mungkin sekarang sudah membantu orang yang ampir mati, dan sedang mengalir di dalam badan orang lain.............!!"


kok jd agak2 dramatis gini ya?