Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Penasaran kayak apa sih kue kesukaan Doraemon? Bisa dicoba resepnya sekarang :)

2 butir telur
80 gram gula
1 sdm madu
1/2 sdt baking soda
50 ml air
130 gram tepung terigu
100 gram anko (selai kacang merah)

Kocok telur sambil memasukkan gula dan madu. Kocok dengan tangan selama kurang lebih 3 menit.
Larutkan baking soda dalam air, lalu masukkan ke dalam kocokan telur.
Masukkan tepung, aduk rata.
Tutup dengan plastic wrap , lulu biarkan selama setengah jam.
Panaskan wajan (yang rata), tuang adonan dengan sendok (yang berbentuk bulat).
Caranya agak mirip seperti membuat pancake, hanya saja satu sisinya dimasak lebih lama sehingga warnanya lebih coklat daripada sisi yang lainnya.
Angkat dan dinginkan.
Masukkan anko (jika gak suka anko, bisa diganti dengan yang lain, seperti selai strawberry atau nutella) di antara 2 buah "pancake", lalu tekan hingga berbentuk seperti dorayaki.

Tempe Bumbu Bali

400 gram tempe, potong sekitar 1x2x2 cm, lalu goreng setengah matang
2 batang serai yang dimemarkan
2-3 cm lengkuas
1-2 cm jahr yang dimemarkan
100 ml air
5 sdm kecap manis
gula dan garam secukupnya

Bumbu Halus:
5 butir bawang merah (bisa diganti dengan 1 buah bawang bombay)
4 siung bawang putih
cabe merah sesuai selera
5 butir kemiri
1 sdm asam

Tumis bumbu halus, jahe, lengkuas dan serai sampai harum. Lalu masukkan air dan kecap manis, masak sampai mendidih. Masukkan tempe goreng, tambahkan garam dan gula sesuai selera. Masak sampai kuah mengental.

Monday, October 24, 2011

13 tahun yang lalu

Tiap orang memang suka merayakan tanggal "hari jadi" untuk segala hal. Entah "hari jadi" untuk kelahiran (alias ulang tahun), "hari jadi" untuk pacaran atau pernikahan, "hari jadi" untuk perusahaan atau organisasi, dan beribu macam "hari jadi" lainnya. Dan kali ini gue merayakan "hari jadi" persahabatan gue dengan 2 orang yg sangat penting dalam hidup gue.

Kita sendiri mungkin gak ingat, apa pemicu persahabatan kita, atau kapan sebenarnya kita pertama kali hang-out bareng. Sadar2, orang2 di sekitar kita menganggap bahwa kemana2 kita selalu bertiga, entah di sekolah maupun di mall. Hingga suatu hari di bioskop, kita menetapkan bahwa hari itu adalah "hari jadi" persahabatan kita.

Pertemanan gue dengan 2 sahabat ini, mungkin agak sedikit unik. Mengingat bahwa kita berbeda satu sama lain; mulai dari fashion, hobby, musik, sampai selera cowok. Mungkin karena itu kita bisa bersahabat... karena kita bisa saling melengkapi.

"Alle gute Dinge sind drei" (arti: "segala sesuatu yang baik ada 3") bisa menjadi panutan dalam persahabatan kita. Karena apabila ada yang berantem, salah satu pasti menjadi penengah. Dan kita pun selalu hadir untuk satu sama lain di saat masa2 puber merajalela.

Bernostalgia kadang membuat senyum2 sekaligus iri, iri terhadap kehidupan kita yg dulu. 13 tahun yang lalu dimana kita masih bisa tiap hari bertemu di sekolah dan tiap weekend jalan bareng atau nginep di rumah mereka. Kekhawatiran kita hanya PR, ulangan besok, apakah cowok yang kita taksir naksir balik, weekend mao jalan kemana, serta uang jajan yg kurang...

Dan sekarang, 13 tahun kemudian, kita semua sama2 punya kehidupan masing2 dan berada di 3 negara, 3 benua, serta daerah waktu yang berbeda. Hanya bisa saling menyapa lewat internet, dan semua punya kesibukan serta masalah masing2. Sejak lulus SMA pun kita gak pernah punya kesempatan untuk berkumpul bertiga lagi.

Jadi biarlah hari ini gue tenggelam dalam nostalgia.. tentang masa2 yang tidak akan bisa kembali lagi...

Happy 13th Anniversary! Miss u girls alot!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wedding (the website)

Good News everyone..!
I'm married for 2 months now!
Whew... time flies....

I just visit our wedding website, which I ignored after the wedding day... and just realized, that it will be expired in March 2012.

Well... basically, the website was made give our guests all information about our wedding day. So... I thought.... maybe I should copy-paste all articles we wrote on that website before it's too late! I might want to re-read them in the future :)

(I suppose... this blog will still exist in the future... no? )

So... here we go.......


Welcome everyone to our wedding web site! For those of you who will not be able to make it to our wedding, we thought this would be a great way for us to share all of our experiences with you. For all of you who will be attending, all of the information you could ever want to know about us and our wedding will be available for you here.

After almost eight wonderful years together, we are looking forward to having our dream wedding in Fulda, Germany. We have chosen to get married in Frauenberg and the reception will be held at the Orangerie. It's absolutely beautiful there and we know you will all agree.

For all of you who will be coming in from out of town, we have provided you with suggestions of places to stay. Hopefully some of you will decide to make a vacation out of this and extend your stay to a full week.

We would love to receive messages in our Guestbook from anyone compelled to do so. Please check back often as we will be making frequent updates to the website as the plans progress.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in just a few months. Thank you to all of our friends and family for supporting us and loving us over the years.

Arthur and Cheryl

FYI: My hubbie's name is Arthur... but our indo friends and family call him Ody...

Proposal - the story

It was about November 2009 when Arthur asked me if I could take a holiday between 24th-26th January 2010. And he didn't want to answer why because he wanted it as a surprise. He successfully made me drown in curiosity for the whole 2 months because of it.

After we celebrated New Year, suddenly Arthur gave me an envelope with our plane tickets to Venice in it. An (2-long-months-worth-to-wait) answer that I couldn't even guess even in my dreams.
It was a sweet journey, a little bit spontanious and unplanned, but we just really wanted to relax and have fun without any hectic kind of feeling. It was winter, but thank God the weather was quite nice.
On our second day of visit, we decided to take a small tour with gondola. As I wanted to take out my camera to shoot a couple of pictures, suddenly the gondola man shouted something. I thought at first I was not allowed to take any photographs. But it was actually a signal for Arthur to "do" it.
Arthur suddenly held my hands and talked about our love journey, about how thankful he was that I was always there for him in his good and hard times, then he knelt down and asked, "Will you stay forever by my side and marry me?"
...... I cried and answered, "Yes!!!".

About Fulda

Since Fulda has a very special meaning to us, we decided to get married on the very town that we had spent our first 5 years together. We know that it will mean a great deal to us that we will be beginning our lives together in the very place, where we shared most of our moments and times together.

Fulda is a small town in Hesse, Germany with population about 70,000. It's located on the river Fulda and developed around a Benedictine abbey founded in 744 by Sturmi, a disciple of St. Boniface. The abbey became a missionary centre, and its school was one of Europe's important seats of learning during the early Middle Ages.

Most of Fulda's noteworthy buildings form an integrated Baroque district, including the cathedral (1704-12; with the crypt of St. Boniface); the episcopal palace (1707), now the city hall and a museum; and the Orangerie, before which stands the Floravase (1728), carved out of a single piece of stone.

The Church of St. Michael dates from about 820, and the Probstei Church at Petersberg (just outside Fulda) is also 9th century. The Frauenberg Franciscan monastery (rebuilt 1760) is to the north of the city. Nearby Adolphseck Castle (1730-50), a former summer residence of the prince-bishops, is now a museum.

(official website of Fulda is here)

Ceremony - Frauenberg Kirche

Long time ago, I've dreamed about walking down the aisle to my knight in shining armor. In my mind, I would picture a beautiful white church with lots of flowers and even more love. Now that we're finally here, it seems unbelievable to me that my dream will actually come true.

It was a little bit hard to choose where our ceremony being held. There're so many beautiful churches in Fulda, but we could only choose one. In the end, we decided to have our ceremony at Church Frauenberg. It's a beautiful old baroque style church, built in 16th century, and located on the top of the hill. As we lived in Fulda, we used to walk up the hill together, to see a beautiful view of the whole city.

(You can find the website here)

Reception - Fulda Orangerie

The Orangerie was built just across the City Palace at the same century as the cathedral, 1721-1724.

The abbots used the baroque rooms for summer parties. In the winter months, ornamental trees such as oranges and lemons were stored there, that's also explain the name Orangerie.

Until now, the Orangerie is one of a popular venue for parties, meetings and ball nights. On the one hand because of its interiors, like the nobly decorated Apollo Hall, and on the other hand the terrace area that connected with the fabulous castle baroque garden through a flight of stairs.

Today the Orangerie belongs to Maritim Hotel, and thus not avaliable for sightseeing. But at the time where there is no event occur, the Cafe and the Restaurant will be open and let the people enjoy the historic baroque style.

(The website of Maritim Hotel in Fulda is here)


Well, I don't copy-paste the informations about visas or transportation since it's a little bit out of (wedding) topic... and right now I'm kinda lazy to add any Photo... (again... laziness as an excuse!)
But I promise I'll write about the whole wedding day in the near future ;)

about 7 Seeds......

Buat orang2 yg suka baca blog ini karena spoiler 7 Seeds-nya.... mungkin gue perlu umumkan kalau gue udah lama banget gak beli buku aslinya... Bahkan sampai baru2 ini juga gak ngikutin perkembangan ceritanya. (Lagi2 keluar alasan malas, ketidak-adaan-waktu, dan uang-yang-dibelanjakan-untuk-hal-laen-selaen-komik).

Seperti yg gue tulis di atas... "..sampai baru2 ini juga gak ngikutin perkembangan ceritanya..", maksudnya: gue baru2 ini ngikutin lagi kelanjutannya di mangafox dan juga baru nemu satu blog yg nulis summary/spoiler-nya dalam bahasa inggris, dan di situ juga bisa download bbrp file RAW-nya.

Buat yang penasaran, bisa lanjut click di sini

Selamat membaca! :)

Hello Blog.... long time no see....

Kemaren malem, tiba2 dapet message Facebook dari sahabat lama... bunyinya begini:

Ril, elu tau gaaa..

Td gw iseng2 ketik nama gue di google. And selain facebook account (tentu saja), nama gw juga muncul d blog elu, si pemimpi tahun 2006!! I didn't even know u had that blog.

Trus baca blog elu, and ada yg questionaire, who was ur first best friend: jenny sutono ciiiihuuuuiiii hahahaha and trus u mentioned ada si HOHO (miss hoho, sob sob) and mentioned maen campur2an obat2an mau cari obat kanker hjahashaha gila ya kita kecil2 had such a noble cita2. O m gosh ril, look where we are now. U r married (and I have yet to see u and ody) and I'm still happily single but not available (yes, am seeing someone now hehehehe), but gila bertaon2 lewat since our days spent together. Hari2 yg kita cuman peduli living at the moment. Yg excited sama newest comic and pergi jalan kaki ke pasar buku!! How simple happiness was!!

I want to meet u soon ril. I hope real soon. Take care for now darling!

Your first bestfriend, always (sah sah)

Gara2 itu, gue jadi membuka kembali blog ini, yang udah lama banget tak tersentuh. Dan membaca blog tua itu seperti membuka kembali buku harian masa sekolah dulu.. atau mungkin seperti membaca surat yg ditulis oleh diri sendiri dari masa lampau...

Seperti melihat kembali ke belakang, bagaimana dulu kita melihat dunia, dan bagaimana jalan pikiran, opini, serta sikap kita pada waktu itu.... sebelum ditempa oleh waktu dan pengalaman lebih lanjut.

Ada banyak alasan kenapa gue gak update blog sekian lama... mungkin alasan yang sama ketika gue berhenti menulis diary... entah karena malas, gak ada waktu, bingung mao nulis apa, keberadaan twitter yg bisa menyampaikan uneg2 pendek tiap hari, dan mungkin karena blog udah gak gitu nge-trend lagi...

Yah.. udah ampir 2 taon sejak terakhir kali gue nulis blog... dan tentu saja 2 taon itu sebenarnya waktu yg amat sangat panjang... hanya saja berasa terlalu pendek untuk orang yg usianya makin berumur...

Waktu memang terasa sangat cepat, dan hidup ini rasanya seperti berputar di situ2 aja... tapi ketika melihat ke belakang, 2 tahun terakhir ini sebenarnya ada begitu banyak hal yg terjadi... Dan tentu saja hal2 yg cukup penting dalam hidup.. seperti lulus kuliah, dapet kerjaan sesuai impian... dan... ehm...... ganti status dari Ms menjadi Mrs....

So, mungkin pelan2 gue bakal coba lanjut nulis blog lagi... mungkin awal2 bakal agak sedikit banyak flash back ttg kejadian2 menarik selama gue absen menulis... dan... well... semoga kali ini bakal bisa lebih rajin juga...

Phewww... I kinda forgot how fun it is to write a blog :)