Only one Message:
Y O U ... C A N ... O N L Y ... T Y P E ...
O N E... W O R D !
N O ... E X P L A N A T I O N S !
1. Yourself:
N: undescribeable´
C: lazy
A: trustable
O: trusting
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend :
N: hahaha..
A: hehehe..
C: sapiputih
O: babiputih
3. Your hair:
N: biasa
C: biasajuga..
A: terurus
O: cepak
4. Your Mother:
N: kangeeeeeen...
C: terbaik..
A: sweet
O: busy
5. Your Father:
N: moneeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy
O: pensiunan
C: galaaaaaaak...??
A: friend
6. Your Favorite Item:
cheryl: duit
ody: rokok
anton: korek
natlee: duit jg lah..
7. Your dream last night:
natlee: anton
cheryl: natlee
anton: ody (mpe basah..)
ody: (harus mimpiin) cheryl
8. Your Dream Home:
A: type 21 (rsssss --> rumah sangat sederhana
skali sampai2 slonjor saja sulit sekali.. ???)
C: minimalis
O: apartment
N: complicated
9. The Room You Are In:
all: study roomnya ody
10. Favorite colour:
N: coklat
C: item
A: putih
O: biru
11. Your fear:
A: myself
C: bangkrut
O: setan
N: future
12. Where do you want to be in ten years?
C: egal
O: Indonesia
A: rumahsndiri
N: irgendwo...
13. Who you hung out with last night:
14. What You're Not:
C: babiputih
A: binatang
O: chicken
N: diansastro
15. Your Best Friend:
C: banyaaak..
O: banyak (jugaaa..)
A: bed
N: siapa yak..??
16. One of Your Wish List Items:
N: pintuajaaaaaiiiiiiibbbb,,,!!
O: stujuuuuuu....
C: kantongajaib..
A: stujuuuuuu
17. Your Gender:
C&N: Female
O: male
A: halbe-halbe
18. The Last Thing You Did:
ALL: ktawa
19. What You Are Wearing:
all: bajurumah
20. Your Favorite Weather:
ALL: yg-kyk-skg-ini-lah..
22. The Last Thing You Ate:
all: nasgor-bang-ody
23. Your Life:
C: ribettttt
A: kusuuutttt
O: scheisse
N: complicated
24. Your Mood:
A: biasa
C: biasa
O: biasa
N: biasa
25. Who are you:
Cheryl, natlee, anton, ody
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